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November 4, 2013

GEC Donates to St. Mary School and Education Center Renovation

Community Involvement

Project News

PORTAGE, WI – On Tuesday, October 29, 2013, General Engineering Company staff members presented the St. Mary School and Education Center with a check for over $4,000.  This check, from GEC, was for the cost of inspection services for the recent renovation project at the school.  The inspection services included, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and general construction inspections.

General Engineering Company also donated $3,600 of grant and funding services to help the school obtain additional funding for the renovations.  St. Mary’s and GEC is proud to announce that the school recently received a $30,000 grant from the Apostolate to the Handicapped, which is a ministry of the Diocese of Madison, with its office in Monroe, WI.  This grant will be used to make the school more accessible to students and adults with physical limitations.

GEC Presents Donation Check to St. Mary SchoolPictured in photo: Jessica Fandrich, GEC; Father Gary Krahenbuhl; Jamie Hahn, St. Mary Principal; Jerry Foellmi, GEC President; Addie Tamboli, GEC; and Rob Roth, GEC Vice President.