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Abbyland Foods WWTP Upgrades

What once was old is new again.

As a part of an upgrade and expansion of the production facilities, Abbyland Foods acquired the City Of Abbotsford’s old municipal WWTF (Wastewater Treatment Facility) with the purpose of upgrading it to a state-of-the-art, high-tech, industrial plant that takes hog and other meat process waste and converts it to near drinkable effluent, anaerobically-digested bio-solids, and methane gas.

Due to the location of the building expansion, and treatment plant, along with budget constraints, the only option for the proposed sewer expansion was the construction of a shallow insulated gravity sewer with an exposed (aerial) crossing of a navigable stream.  GEC engineers presented this unusual solution, despite it being typically unheard of in climates like Wisconsin’s and being heavily permitted by the state. The option was offered to Abbyland as a way of avoiding significant costs of a sewer infrastructure such as additional lift station with a screening system.

The elimination of a lift station and the screen significantly reduced the project cost by $1 million and eliminated additional long term maintenance estimated to be $2.5 million.

Abbyland Foods, located in Abbotsford, WI, processing plant that manufactures a wide variety of cooked meats with eight divisions that also includes a refrigerated trucking line, convenience store and travel center, as well as a Mexican restaurant.

Services Provided:

Consulting Engineering

Wastewater Design & Analysis

Sewer & Water System Design

Project Location:
Abbotsford, WI